Automated Emails

The following are emails that are sent by Sessionboard to your event contacts. Some emails have the ability to be customized as well as turned on/off.

All emails sent are sent by (unless you have a custom domain).

Session Submission Confirmation

  • Confirmation emails are sent to session submitters once they have completed the submission form.

  • The body of the email can be edited within the form settings.

  • Can not be turned off/disabled

    Subject Line: [Event Name] Your session has been submitted

Weekly Digest Email

🗒️ NOTE: Contacts will only receive this email IF they have created an account/accessed their portal previously.

  • Send a weekly email summary of portal actions, upcoming tasks by the due date, as well as new comments.

    • Emails are sent every Monday at 7 AM UTC.

  • This can be turned on/off for each portal (speaker, sponsor, exhibitor).

  • Customization: None

    Subject Line: [Event Name] Portal Task Summary - <send date>
    ex: [Conference 2024] Portal Task Summary - January 29th, 2024

Email Notifications

🗒️ NOTE: Contacts will only receive this email IF they have created an account/accessed their portal previously.

  • Send an automated email to session speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors when new tasks are assigned to their portal.

  • This can be turned on/off for each portal (speaker, sponsor, exhibitor).

  • Customization: None

    Subject Line: You have a portal update for <event name>


Evaluation Plan Weekly Reminders

  • When enabled, Evaluators who are assigned a specific evaluation plan will receive an email from Sessionboard on Mondays at 7 AM UTC informing them of their plan progress as well as the number of submissions that have not been reviewed

  • These emails can be turned off/disabled.

  • Customization: None

Admin/Evaluator Access To Event/Org

  • When a new user to added to your event or organization, they are sent an email to inform them that they can now access the event or organization through Sessionboard.

    • NOTE: Imported contacts have the option to not be notified upon import.

  • These emails can not be turned off/disabled.

  • Customization: None