Rooms, Tracks, Tags, Levels, Formats, Languages, Content, Statuses
Whether you are allowing potential speakers to provide more information about their session or you are an event admin wanting to update approved sessions with more information, reviewing and updating session settings is an important step that should not be overlooked.
Session Settings
Specify the physical rooms or virtual locations where sessions can be hosted
EX: Ballroom, Exhibitor Hall, President's Lounge
Order: Use room order to organize how the agenda embed is displayed. Rooms will be ordered horizontally from left to right from lowest to highest ascending order. If rooms are all in the same order level (e.g. 0) or room value cannot be found, rooms will be displayed alphabetically.
Capacity: Indicated the maximum number of people that can fit within this room. The capacity for rooms will be visible within your agenda view but not within embeds.
Limit: 100,000
Add your sessions to a track to better organize your content
EX: Project Management, Business, HR, DevOps
The color associated with each track will also be reflected in the admin agenda view as well as the embeds.
Tag your sessions and event team members (max character count for tags is 255)
EX: Virtual, In-Person, Hybrid
Specify the different levels for which sessions can be added
EX: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Specify the different formats for which sessions can be added
EX: Panel, Breakout Session, Keynote, General Session
Specify the different languages your sessions can be submitted for
EX: English, Spanish, French
Sessionboard offers an intuitive experience for speakers and speaker managers to manage session content, upload and update files, and communicate with each other via the event portal. With a generous file size limit of 1.95 GB per file and built-in tools to manage versions and comments, our solution lets you regain control of the content management process.
Customize your Sessionboard event by creating custom session statuses tailored to your event-specific workflows, ensuring efficient session tracking and management.
Please contact if you would like Statuses enabled for your event.
How to Create A Custom Status
Select the orange Add Status button
Edit the following fields for your new status:
Status Name
Status Category: All statuses must be assigned a category. When a category is assigned, the new status created will operate as the category assigned does
For Example: If a session is assigned an Accepted category, the session will appear in the Session Agenda dashboard view with all other accepted sessions. -
Order: The order will determine how the status appears within the dropdown list.
Once complete, select the orange Add Status button in the pop-up model.
Moving forward, custom status can be assigned to sessions using the field Status.

How To Create: Rooms, Tracks, Tags, Levels, Formats, & Languages
To update any of the fields mentioned above.....
Navigate to the Session module and select "Settings" from the top of the page.
Within "Settings", select the setting you want to edit (i.e. rooms, tracks, tags).
Click the orange "Add" button at the top right-hand corner of the screen and include all required information.
To delete a setting value (i.e. how to delete a room), select Delete within the Actions column.
Filter Sessions + Users By Tags
To view a filtered list of sessions and users for each tag created, select the number within the column Sessions or Users. You will be redirected to a filtered dashboard view that displays only sessions and users assigned to the indicated tag.